lunedì 28 marzo 2011


Sorry,我又講Colin Firth.

琴日Daily Mail話King Colin會再踏足West End舞台,非常興奮。只可惜DM出名鍾意炒作新聞報流料,都係0吾好抱太大期望為妙。

壓力大ge時候特別喜歡睇King Colin做戲。前日終於睇0左keoi3同Julie Andrews合演ge Relative Values. 一睇即問:‘點解同Easy Virtue條橋差0吾多ge?’ Anyway,keoi3, Julie Andrews同Sophie Thompson都幾有chemistry. 一向都好鍾意King Colin演comedy,特別係St. Trianians 0個種得啖笑ge無里頭喜劇。今次keoi3扮camp camp 0地ge Peter,仲camp過Mamma Mia ge Harry Bright,加上極度抵死ge對白同British humour,笑死。講真,keoi3走drag queen路線真係會幾ok,應該揾埋Geoffrey Rush同Guy Pierce重拍Pricilla.

琴日睇0左review麻麻ge The Last Legion. 其實都幾好睇a?係就係歷史攪錯0西,但係從一部adventure movie ge角度出發,套戲其實ok. 話說當年聽到話Colin要扮Roman General,第一個反應係:大纜都扯0吾埋wor!而我睇緊部戲ge時候亦不停被keoi3個British accent distract. 不過部戲全部人都係British accent,無0野好講。不過幾surprise ge係Colin扮General都幾有板有眼,特別係武打場面都ok。我lum除0左accent之外,keoi3真係扮mat1似mat1.

突然lum:如果達西先生有d camp camp 0地ge話......


E篇entry code-mix/-switch ge程度非常嚴重。

domenica 27 marzo 2011

Les Miz

上星期終於和Angel看Les miserables.

Les Miz的plot最全面亦最複雜,亦有很多不同角色。Act 1看得不很明白,但後來故事繼續發展下去便明白箇中的來龍去脈。Jean Valjean和Javert,Fantine,The Thenardiers,Corsette各有恩義情仇;Marius與Corsette相戀撇下了Eponine;Enjolras和學生要搞革命,最後全軍覆沒只有Marius生還......

歌曲和配樂十分出色。很多歌都耳熟能,例如Do You Hear the People Sing, Castle on a Cloud, I Dreamed a Dream和Red and Black。奇怪的是都記不起在那裡聽過。特別喜愛Bring Him Home,其中一段的falsetto很動聽,也很難唱。喜歡Red and Black和Do You Hear the People Sing的激昂,演Enjolras的Killian Donnelly唱得很好,能夠帶出歌曲的感情。在Youtube聽過他以前唱Javert和Jean Valjean的歌,真的很很不錯。反而對Gareth Gates的Marius有點失望。感情是豐富的,但很多時候都聽不到他唱甚麼,相信他對聲線的掌握還未熟練,不過他一定比上一位Marius-Nick Jonas唱得好。劇中所有笑位均由演The Thenardiers的Martin Ball和KatySecombe送上,非常搶境。

很精彩,so far看過最好的musical,不過仍然較為喜歡Love Never Dies,主要是因為不太喜歡這樣嚴肅的題材.

當晚的Jean Valjean是最左面的Simon Bowman. Amazing.

Les Miz concert的Enjolras是最愛的Ramin Karimloo,Killian是Ramin右邊金長髮那位,可以選擇性ignore Nick Jonas (as much as I appreciate his effort, he's in no comparison to the others on stage).

sabato 26 marzo 2011

活在倫敦 樂而忘返

由Yr 2暑假開始準備application到現在,差不多過了一年半,來倫敦也有半年。由始至終都沒有跟父母討論過出國讀書的事,我只是拋下了一句說我想去英國,UCL又肯收我,他們又很支持我的決定,一切都很順理成章。

有人說在外國生活會有種liberation,我徹底地感受到所謂何事。在倫敦的生活簡單到不能再簡單。身在外地,不想見的人,不想做的事,又或是難捨難離的「雞現在都可以置諸不理,因為是「 非不為也,實不能也」

學校近King’s Cross,亦即近British Library和British Museum,乘十分鐘Tube便可直達Covent Garden,Leicester Sq和Piccadilly Circus,我覺得自己住在世界的中心點。從前會覺得香港也是一個挺發達的城市,住在倫敦才知道何謂大城市。

大城市的大不在於地理範圍,而在於多元文化。香港人的生活除了工作,還有甚麼?日日營營役役,消閒節目來來去去都是 唱K,睇戲,食飯,‘luk’ 齡。這邊生活節奏是慢了點,但至少有life. 在HKU,遇上天地堂大家可能會去main lib睡覺。在這裡,遇上天地堂,我可以先吃一個picnic lunch, people-watch,然後再去British Museum逛一兩個小時才回校上課。天氣好的日子,我可以去Hyde Park坐草地望河餵天鵝,下雨時可以去Tate和National Gallery賞畫看雕塑,weekend可以去Emirates Stadium看Arsenal,遇上The King’s Speech的premier可以跟King Colin握手,星期一至六都可以去West End看場world-class musical...... 在香港,我說要去香港公園野餐享受藍天白雲,穿西裝背背囊,自己都不禁失笑。我說的不僅是一種生活模式,而是一種生活態度。香港除了缺地,更缺乏對藝術和體育等等非商業活動的支持,更缺乏對生活質素的要求。

上完所有lecture,快得不得了. ‘Other universities expect you to be good, UCL expects you to be brilliant.’ 一個undergrad水平的advanced course要看十幾二十份article,學業繁重得我不能想像沒有讀過Ling的同學如何應付。 當然,大家有自由選擇要不要be brilliant. 望著曾在這個dept待過的學者的名字和那個有點‘harsh’的offer condition,我充滿期望的來到UCL。上了二十個星期課,我覺得那天價學費物有所值。短短半年,我比以前努力,也學到更多。 很幸運地遇上很多好老師和好同學,難得大家還有心搞班活動聯誼。雖然中國學生佔了三分一,但這裡是真的international,文化差異是未曾見識過的。我欣賞的同學有很多,有些是典型的天才學生,有些很有critical thinking,有些很有will-power,有些很用功...... 當然,即使是一間所謂世界排名第四的大學也不能保證所有的老師和學生的水平。

我會很想念在這裡的人和事,正如我也很想念在HKU的日子。讀中學時有陣子很想去外國留學,後來不了了之。倫敦這地方,很容意令人迷失或者繼續過港式生活。既然想留在comfort zone,無須dum幾十萬落咸水海。當我無論對生活或學業都有自己的想法時才離家闖一闖,我覺得我能體會更多。


仍然為了要在星期三飛荷蘭前完成1000字essay proposal而煩惱。很遺憾,雖然我很尊敬小矮人,但我們真的合不來。

mercoledì 23 marzo 2011

Wed no Strike

Somehow I can foresee that I'll screw up the 1000-word proposal. Shit! I wonder how much I can do in 3 days. Absolutely hate it.

Off to Holland in a week's time.

坐在草地上吃picnic lunch. Spring is in the air~

Bumped into a classmate on the way back to Chandler House.
'Ni ziji yigeren chi wufan?'
'Dui a.'
Surprised look. Somehow I don't understand what's so surprising. I mean, can't you have lunch alone?

I like you, just as you are.

We were at Costa sipping coffee. She asked about his love life. Then we started doing a round-table dissertation on romantic love.

‘We just didn’t click. Sometimes, it’s a bit difficult to be with someone like that. It’s ok to be friends, but, well...’

‘Maybe your perfect match is the complete opposite of you. My girlfriend and I are the exact opposite.’

‘If you find someone who’s very similar too you, it won’t work out.’

‘You never know. The one you love may be very different from your imagined ideal partner.’

‘I mean, I’m open to all sorts of possibility.’

‘The best thing is to find someone who complements you.’

‘I believe it’s about whether you accommodate and accept each other.’

It’s funny. We have all sorts of philosophy of love. I somehow had the feeling that they thought I chose not to fall in love with anyone who didn’t fit my ideal of men. Gee! I don’t believe in ideal because there’s no such thing as ideal. It’s my philosophy that no 2 people can be 100% completely identical or complementary to each other. And falling in love is not sth you can choose to do or not. It just happens. But, whether to start a relationship with someone is a matter of choice. You can love sby and choose not to be in a relationship with him or not love sby but choose to be involved with him. And the similar/opposite/complementary theory is not sth I believe in. I mean, everyone is unique, so as every relationship. Some relationships work out because the 2 of them are similar in mind, they’re the exact opposite or they complement each other. Why only believe in one way? If you do, isn’t it a kind of ideal? Having say that, however, for me, I do think that there has to be some common ground on ethical values for both parties because if there aren’t, forget about love, I can’t even respect him as a human being. Is that a kind of ideal? Maybe. What I’m saying is that I don’t have an ideal of what a man’s temperament or interest, but to start with, I have to be able to respect that person, whether to be friends or on a more intimate level.

venerdì 18 marzo 2011


'Just because it's in the textbook doesn't mean it's right.' - John Harris

先問一句,大家覺得「張三通過週六槍擊李四,上個星期導致他死亡。」arm 0吾arm grammar?

我0吾明點解一個0係UCL拎distinction畢業ge MA Ling學生寫short paper ge quality竟然差到0甘。點解可以夾硬話一句錯grammar ge句子係grammatical然後話d data support某個framework?一個有少少良心ge人都知道學術研究求真,0吾可以作data?你估你讀緊中學?你係咪蝦阿Ad 0吾識Putonghua!?

我亦0吾明點解自己作為native speaker,覺得句句子係錯ge都仲要夾硬當係arm,原因係份paper話arm。如果份paper一定arm,點解要有native speaker?叫0西d外國同學仔講都得啦!0甘求其揾個人寫完份paper都一定arm啦!

E個dept 0甘多年0黎出左0甘多好勁ge scholar,又有好多好勁ge scholar0黎教書,好多學生慕名而來,我真係0吾expect d同學ge水平差距0甘大lor!點解讀到master都可以0甘讀書法?

Ok fine! 我被人屈0西機!


giovedì 17 marzo 2011

Dear John

John was very funny today. He was talking about catalexis and he demonstrated it with a ‘poem’.

Taffy was a Welshman

Taffy was a thief

Taffy came to my house

And stole a piece of beef

He snapped his fingers and read that aloud. What’s funny was the way he snapped his finger at the last beat and held his hand there, looked as us like he’d just finished the most funny thing on earth and we should laugh. Of cox we guffawed and clapped very enthusiastically. Luckily no one fell off their seat. LOL

He said ‘the projector got carried away’ in his _____ (fill in any word you like) Irish accent. Then he flipped through the ppt in a frenzy. Oh my!

‘I sent an email to you today.’ Um, it was 0930... ‘Are you in the 1100 back-up class?’


‘I think the lecture today will finish early. We can talk afterwards and before your back-up class. Would it be alright for you? We can always fix another time to talk for a longer time.’

I totally freaked out because I’d prepared nothing. Why ppl here like to send emails at the last min? I wished that the lecture would run longer than expected so that I needed not talk to him today. I mean, I was quite unprepared.

昨天才和Fion談起Dr. Matthews,又想起去年差不多是這個時間去和老細談Czech declensions. 今天,找回了那種感覺,那種被點醒了的感覺。

John office的牆上有塊白板,我坐下,他就拿起筆在上面寫,十足十1-to-1 tutorial. 我只是跟他說我想做Cantonese,喜歡做1st assignment,他便說了一大堆我沒想過的ideas,可以做的experiments,怎樣用不同的theory去分析data。

前幾天見Andrew,同樣十分鐘,同樣討論essay題目, 天淵之別。我發現相比其他同學,我能見他十分鐘已經很好。跟他brainstorm題目,想到了兩個,他告訴我可以看哪篇article後便打發我走。有了題目,卻不知該怎樣開始。也許我這樣說有點誇張,但我覺得「見完等於無見」


忘了跟他說聲:Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Arm arm 發現以前有個人叫 John Harris CHANDLER. 笑0左!

lunedì 14 marzo 2011


It's Monday again. Final 2 weeks. I started to miss everyone. Well, not every one.

Still don't have any concrete ideas for my long essay. Think I'll see what Andrew says tmr. I mean, ppl don't research on Cantonese!!!

Discussed Syntax presentation. I have to say it's a good way to revise the materials. Kudos to Ad! I wanna give him a hug. He looks like a big teddy bear :) And is super nice. And he wears a green cardigan which looks like a football field.

Thank you Vincent for sending me an article on verbal irony in Pride and Prejudice! Quite surprising that the author is from the Mainland. I mean, you do expect the author to be a Brit.

Watched the Olivier awards on BBC iPlayer. You get the best songs in the West End musicals for free!
I can't believe they made a ref to Colin Firth in the show!

Guess I can't avoid Mr. Darcy *drooling*

domenica 13 marzo 2011

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Finished John Le Carré's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy yesterday and that's why I can't finish the readings I planned to do this weekend.

My first espionage novel. I have a feeling that I can't comment on this because I can't follow the story sometimes. But I did enjoy it. And from what I know it's the espionage novel. There are sub-plots inside sub-plots and it has a very complex plot. Even now that I'm watching the 1979 BBC adaptation, I'm not sure I 100% follow. But then again, it's a very enjoyable read and the plot is witty.

I can't wait for the movie to come out this year. Not only because there will be Colin Firth (Ya, now you know.) and Gary Oldman (he's good!), but also because of the story itself. I'd love to see how they tell such a complex story in 2 hrs.

Acting-wise, I can't wait to see King Colin as the suave and hypocritical Bill Haydon, who is the double-agent, the bad guy. Mr. Firth is brilliant at portraying complex characters. He adds so much substance into his performance. And this movie reminds me so much of Another Country. The only thing I don't like is that they cast Tom Hardy as Ricki Tarr. No offense, I'm not saying he isn't a good actor. I just don't like him.

sabato 12 marzo 2011


Finally, I saw this critically acclaimed new Disney movie.

I guess I was having high hopes for it because of the rave reviews it's got and if I'm completely honest to myself, I'd say I was a little bit disappointed. BUT, it is a great film! It's my fav Disney animation. I thoroughly enjoyed every min of it and I like it more than Toy Story 3.

One thing I like about Disney is that you always know, even before getting into the theatre, that the prince and the princess will live happily ever after. But every time, the film enchants you and you still doubt if there'll be a happy ending. How can they do that!?

This film is about the kidnapped princess Rapunzel and the thief Flynn Ryder aka Eugene. The evil witch kidnapped Rapunzel when she was a baby and held her in a tower because her hair has magical healing power. To cut the long story short, Flynn ended up in the tower after stealing the crown from the palace. They had an adventure together and you know what happens in the end.

I really like the characters in first place. Rapunzel may be a bit weak-minded sometimes, too innocent. but in the end she fought until the last min against the evil witch. Flynn was a thief, sort of bad guy in the beginning, but he doesn't have a black heart. I guess somehow he represents a lot of male - trying to act bad guy but in fact is quite a gentleman. Even the horse Maximus is a wonderful character. He was chasing Flynn but in the end they became great pals. I mean, the plot line, in a macro view, is the same as most Disney classics. But it is the characterisation and the events and the little bits that won the audience. In the scene where Flynn was stabbed by the evil witch in the tower, how Rapunzel sacrifices her freedom to save the man she loves is very moving. What's more moving is how Flynn sacrifices his life to set Rapunzel free. Of cox, no one except the witch dies in the end.

It's a perfect Friday night movie. Go check out this movie if you still haven't.

venerdì 11 marzo 2011



我真係覺得keoi3太好人,係我就簡簡單單randomly assign group就算。

其實有得揀,我想Steven 0係我0地0個組。

我戥Kristine, Yu Husan, 許教授,Helen慘。或者可以加埋Rachel同Stella.

下星期真係死亡一週。星期二要同Andrew傾long essay,可能要同John傾dissert topic,仲要傾Syntax present同星期五要present.

不過我好期待Syntax present,因為Cantonese同Mandarin group同一日present ;)

giovedì 10 marzo 2011


Just that it's uncommon doesn't mean it's strange.

Ivana 新歌叫‘柳暗花明’,跟住即刻lum起‘又一村’。XDD


I hate it when things become strategic.

Richard同moodle page都叫大家五月考完試先揾super同定topic。雖然Richard都有問我開始同potential supervisor傾過未,但係大家都仲好大安旨意等五月。Andrew哥一句‘三月底前搞掂’,大家即刻全城起動揾super。因為每個lecturer最多只會take五個同學,有d已經take左三個,再0吾揾,真係0吾知最後可以跟邊個。好在0吾多人做Phono,但係要跟自己想跟ge super,都係要快快手手問左先。今日終於問左John laa3,keoi3話下個禮拜同我約個時間傾topic,um,,, 真係要0甘快傾ga...? Tue先要同Andrew傾long essay,E家都未好清楚想做ge topic,已經要開始認真lum dissert.

因為一句,大家sem尾突然又多左0野lum. 其實term1 0個時就應該mark定super,at least畀keoi3知道有你ge存在,不過真係問出口0個個moment又0吾係0甘易。

mercoledì 9 marzo 2011

Random thoughts on P+P again

Would be quite content if I could spend a day only with Jane Austen and chocolate muffins.

I've just started re-reading a certain parts of the beautifully written expansion of Pride and Prejudice that I discovered online some weeks ago. I love how Lizzy falls in love with Mr. Darcy. The irony makes you feel how intense the love between them is. Being the fav child of her father and reputed for her wit and liveliness that singled her out of any ladies in the neighbourhood, she disagrees with Charlotte's marrying Mr. Collins simply for settlement without love. In the end, she falls in love with the ultimate suitor - he rich and powerful Mr. Darcy who has $10000 a year.. In her father's eyes, in everybody's eyes, she is clouded by the wealth of Mr. Darcy. No one would consider whether there is mutual affections at all. Or worse, they presume there's none.

Isn't it same nowadays? 200 years later and we hold the same beliefs. Do I think there is mutual affection between Isabella and 'Li Chak Kai'? No. To me it was purely business. Saying that, I subject myself to criticism. By I bet I'm not wrong.

Went to see Grease ytd. Um,,, let's say I like other musicals that I've seen better.

lunedì 7 marzo 2011


Pressure mounting...



domenica 6 marzo 2011

寫在奧斯卡後3 - 一切從Darcy開始

那時Bridget Jone: The Edge of Reason快要上畫,明珠台立即播BJ1,瞬間迷上BJ,因為一直都很喜歡Renee Zellweger. BJ中其中一個男主角是哥連卓夫,一個陌生但上心的名字,因為一個正常的翻譯不會把‘Firth’譯成‘卓夫’,縱使‘卓夫’比‘費夫’有型。

那年生日的慶祝活動就是去AMC看BJ2。我說‘Colin Firth's performance is excellent, too. First time to see his movie and i'm impressed.’ 我完全沒留意BJ1的Mark Darcy,大概是因為我和母親大人一直沈醉在Hugh Grant那迷人的posh accent. 那迷人的posh accent令我幾天後去買了人生第一隻限制級VDC-Love Actually。 看完,我繼續沈醉在那迷人的posh accent. 又過了幾天,某同學送了Shakespeare in Love的VCD給我作生日禮物。 看完,覺得那個Lord Wessex真的很無賴.

(My absolute favourite-est Darcy portrait.)

當我應該溫習中英數PhyChemBio的時候,我買了兩本BJ小說來看,發現BJ是現代版Pride and Prejudice,Bridget是1995 BBC P+P的fans,而且不斷提及Colin Firth的‘wet-shirt scene’,Helen Fielding寫Mark Darcy時心裡想的也是Colin Firth, 突然覺得Hugh Grant的posh accent都不那麼悅耳。

在HK Records找到了1995 BBC的Pride and Prejudice,買回家後立即看。經典就是有那種魔力,叫人欲罷不能。雖然對wet-shirt-scene有點失望,但已讓我迷上Colin Firth. 我相信那時是因為他夠charm,倒沒怎麼留意他的演技,但當我看過在百佳買回來的Girl with a Pearl Earring便立刻被他精湛的演技迷倒(我想是那個長假髮的功勞)。

無論喜劇或劇情片他都演得出色。我喜歡Where the Truth Lies內那個沈迷色慾的過氣影星,Mamma Mia!內的有同性戀傾向的疑似父親(重點是他跳舞),甚至是Hope Spring內那個受了情傷的畫家(雖然那部戲真的麻麻)。Love Actually, Mark Darcy, What a Girl Wants, 有一陣子我覺得很多人將他定位為uptight Englishman in a romantic comedy. 其實他演villain一樣入木三分,好像是Dorian Gray內的Lord Henry Wotton,Shakespeare in Love內的Lord Wessex.

再好的演員也要有好劇本,好角色才能發揮所長。去年的A Single Man讓大眾知道Colin Firth並非只是Mr. Darcy(當然,會看那部戲的人又不很多),今年他終於憑的The King’s Speech橫掃各大頒獎典禮。他贏Oscars那一刻,我是relieved多於興奮。因為‘when you’re supposed to win, the only thing you can do is to lose’. 儘管我不認為他需要一個Oscar去肯定他的演出,Oscars背後的政治有多複雜,能走上頒獎台總是叫人高興。

從始Colin的名字除了會加上Mr. Darcy,還有Academy award winner, Oscar-winning actor, 甚至‘Sir’(個人覺得就算皇室肯首,他亦未必接受). 想起和Academy award winner和Mr. Darcy握過手真的有點飄飄然。



Yahoo! 電影評論 The King’s Speech



三位主演哥連費夫, 謝菲路殊, 海倫娜寶咸卡達.系相當之有分量,三位都荷李活前輩級人馬.

Um, 0吾係個個有d名氣ge演員都係荷李活演員...... 雖然真係有份量!

sabato 5 marzo 2011

Watching Love Never Dies One Last Time

Managed to catch the last show of the original cast of Love Never Dies.

What I love about live performance is that no matter how many times you perform the same material, no two performances are identical. Every performance is unique. It's interesting to see how the actors perform the same song differently every time.

The audience was very enthusiastic and clapped and cheered longer than ever tonight.The applause was not only for the performance tonight but for every performance they did in the past year.

The final scene was exceptional moving tonight. When Ramin (The Phantom) held Sierra (Christine) in his arms and sang their final duet, his voice was breaking. You could tell it wasn't acting, it was real. His voice was only quivering last 2 times I was there. That was simply heart-breaking.

Love Never Dies brought me to the verge of tears every time. That only is enough to make me crown it 'my favourite musical'.

venerdì 4 marzo 2011

寫在奧斯卡後 2 - The Social Network

Saw The Social Network tonight.

Wasn't really interested in the movie at first. But when everyone was talking about it online and it was one of the frontrunners in the award season, I knew I had to see it.

I enjoyed it, but don't understand the hype. I'll recommend this film to everyone because it was genuinely a good film. Jesse Eisenberg was fantastic in it. I really hate Zuckerberg in this movie. So as Andrew Garfield, who played the co-founder of Facebook. Even Justin Timberlake was good. It has a well-written screenplay. You are never lost between the past and present. It has a quick pace and you'll never get bored.

The thing I don't get was the hype about this movie. Millions of ppl use Facebook every day. I use Facebook every day. Does it resonate with me? Not really. I'm that kind of person who value the emotional side of not only films but also stories, music, etc. Practically everything. While I enjoyed the film, I didn't connect with it.

Ppl also say that the movie defines our generation and it will be remembered after many years. How do you define a generation? Granted, everyone facebook every day. It is Facebook that 'defines' a generation, not a film about Facebook.

Some ppl are bound to disagree with me because I'm gonna put it below Black Swan, which makes my ranking for Best Pictures as follows:
The King’s Speech > The Kids Are All Right > Inception > Black Swan > The Social Network > Toy Story 3

mercoledì 2 marzo 2011

Leisure Reading

I’ve picked up leisure reading again. I used to read a lot more when I was in lower forms. After F.5, I seemed to have read less and less. I read nothing except textbook and journals when I was at HKU. I don’t even bother to read the newspaper here in London. I do, however, read a lot more journals than ever.

But, despite my interest in Linguistics, if you let me choose between a novel or a Phonology textbook, I’d always go for the novel. I was so glad that I’ve rekindled my love for leisure reading.

I was in Bath for a day and visited the Jane Austen centre 2 weeks ago. I came back, wanted to do nothing but spend some time with Lizzy and Mr. Darcy. I searched the web and came across this brilliant ‘fanfiction’. To call it a ‘fanfiction’ would be a travesty. It was an expansion of Pride and Prejudice. They author wrote up the bits that happen behind-the-scene and it was a 260000-word piece of art. I actually felt like I was reading Jane Austen. The novel gave me insights into how the protagonists are characterised in the original as well as satisfy my desire to know everything that happen. You know, Miss Austen was very implicit on certain topics. I just sat there for some 6 hrs and read. You can’t imagine how enthralled I was and reading at 2am was so peaceful. It was an escape.

Now I think of it, really, Mr. Darcy has killed every girl’s dream. I always like Lizzy more than Mr. Darcy because such a man doesn’t exist in real life. He’s too good and too generous to be true. And now I fully understand why Colin Firth became a national sensation playing Mr. Darcy in the 1995 BBC adaptation. Not that he was not good in it because he was. He was brilliant in that role! I guess somehow female of all ages projected their version of Mr. Darcy on him and he portrayed the character so well that he IS Mr. Darcy. And who doesn’t love Mr. Darcy?



來到倫敦,Golden Globes,SAG和Oscars通通在凌晨時段開始,懷著興奮的心情,拖著疲累的身軀倒在牀上時已經是四五點,睡不夠四個小時又上課,還好沒有打蓋睡。

一直以來都喜歡看award show,不是看production (雖然有些表演真的很精彩),而是要看得獎者聽到自己的名字那一刻的反應,在台上致謝時的感動。去年剛好要上課,也知道Colin Firth演技再好也不會擊敗Jeff Bridges,結果安分守己當個好學生。

James Franco和Anne Hathaway配搭的確新穎,但創新未必好,好演員未必是好主持。Billy Crystal的一段monologue完全技術性擊倒JA,Academy想吸引年青一代看Oscars變相令收視下跌10%,真是太有材!

最後頒發Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Picture,一聽到Tom Hooper贏了Best Director便知Best Picture已是囊中物,因為近幾年兩個獎項都由同一部影片獲得。太早洞悉結果,所以真正公佈結果時少了一點激動(I’m not complaining)。

十大電影中只看了五齣. Dr. Richards說過‘You can know that the film is good but still dislike it, or like a film that you know is bad’. 每一齣都得我心,要我選最佳,太難。還是選最愛比較易:The King’s Speech > The Kids Are All Right > Inception > Black Swan > Toy Story 3. 個人喜歡帶點感性的故事,所以TKS,TKAAR佔頭兩位。Inception則以劇本取勝,還以為Best Original Screen Play會落在Christopher Nolan手上。Natalie Portman在Black Swan中表演淋漓盡致,但請不要忘記Vincent Cassel。Toy Story是動畫,而我很注重演員的演出,所以排最後。Anyway,每一齣都各有特色,值回票價。