venerdì 25 febbraio 2011

Pre-Oscar Talk

2月25日成報:港藝人眼中最捧的奧斯卡影帝影后 王菀之:「《黑天鵝》好評如潮,睇預告片已經覺得好好睇,非常之吸引,所以我會揀這部戲獲得最佳電影、女主角妮坦莉寶雯就係最佳女主角,而最佳男主角就係占士法蘭高。」


But everyone knows King Colin will get the Oscar on Sun!! Yay!

mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011

Prof. Neil Smith

Today Prof. Neil Smith was in our Phonology class. Not as a guest lecturer. I suspect he was peer-reviwing. Anyway.

He walked in before Andrew came. I think no one really recognised him. He sat just a few feet away from me. When he walked in, I thought, he couldn't be a student! Then after a while, it hit me that he might be Neil Smith. I've never met him before but I know he is an emeritus Prof. here. But he looked so much younger in real life than in his pic on UCL website. Anyway, I turned. He smiled and we said hello.

It wasn't until Andrew needs an example that he introduced Neil Smith to us. That, was quite incredible.

I first read his book and watched his documentary video last year at HKU when we discussed the topic savant. It was then I got to know he was teaching at UCL. Last term, we spent one week on his article in class and this term spent another. He is such a distinguished scholar who has done so much pioneer work. I never imagined I would meet him.

Not that I talked to him. Just knowing him being in class felt quite amazing.

Stratford-upon-Avon and Bath

Yes I went to Stratford-upon-Avon and Bath during reading week.

Thank you Vincent for suggestingthis place because going to Shakespeare's hometown had never come across my mind. What a shame it would be if I never visited the hometown of arguably the greatest playwright ever born to this world while I am only 2 hrs away by train?
Too bad we couldn't catch a performance of the famous Royal Shakespeare Company. The season hasn't started...
And how I wish I have read more Shakespeare!!
his birthplace.

his grave.
What a Georgian city! I won't say it's captivating. It's rather spectacular though. I like the old Georgian style but not the brownish yellow stones. Everyone goes there to see the roman bath spa. I have to say one thing, d泉水好飲過KV 0個d!!!Anyway, it tasted like rust.
Also visited the Jane Austen centre. It was quite small. Too bad didn't have 'tea with Mr. Darcy' coz I wanna save my appetite for the dinner at Sally Lunn. Anyway, I enjoyed the small museum.

The trip ended with a dinner at Sally Lunn, the oldest house in Bath according to records. Tried the Bath bun and the traditional British dinner. The special thing about it was that the steak was served on a piece of bread. Food was served this way before plates were invented. Thank you my dearest cousin for suggesting this.


lunedì 21 febbraio 2011


After getting boring and mundane comments for my first 2 CRAs, I finally managed to scrape a teeny tiny 'good' at my 3rd attempt. My 4th was a flop. I must admit I didn't make enough effort in doing the assignment because I was so distracted by the livestream of the SAG awards at the time. Just that from the comment I could see he thought I had not read the material. Worse still, I can see that my 5th is no better.

I wish I had a sensible reason for not performing up to standard, but I don't.


giovedì 17 febbraio 2011

Syntax Exam

arm arm收返Syntax exam. 如果根據reg,我仲差12分先有87.5%先有distinction. 勁無奈,q2 ge comment係'Excellent answer. Beautifully argued. You only forgot to mention how the principle would make (vii) unacceptable',但係都係得78%. 我好想知d stat......

sabato 12 febbraio 2011

Arsenal @ Emirates Stadium!!!!

去Emirates Stadium睇我捧左十幾年ge Arsenal!!!!!


Anyway, 0吾慣睇波無旁述,但係氣氛一流!!D fans不停唱歌!!我地山頂地區就0吾多人唱,不過入波0個刻全場大叫加彈起身真係好正!!!

其實都幾surreal,英超wor!世界級球星wor!雖然已經無可能睇到我最鐘意ge Dennis Bergkamp,但係0個日受左傷ge Thomas Vermaelen都有出現.

中場休息讀廣播,真係有人求婚!隔離個男人即刻話‘Oh man! Don’t do it!’


venerdì 11 febbraio 2011

Perfect Friday

Reading Week前最後一個school day,好難相信0甘快就到!Anyway,perfect day.


Ad話0係reading week搞back-up class! 估0吾到連master都有補課!估0吾到會有prof肯補課!草皮老師真係好好人!

即興安排當日活動。去左China Town剪頭髮。好很貴之餘勁求其!真係E幾年0黎最貴但係又最差ge一次。

之後去0左National Portrait Gallery. 好多portraits,有貝登堡,Charlotte Bonte,Charles Darwin, King George V, Judi Dench, Kate Winslet...

去左附近一間coffee shop試咖啡。一邊飲cappuccino一邊睇Evening Standard. Colin Firth 0係頭版!最surprising ge 係無端端聽到famous wet shirt scene ge background music! 我好懷疑自己有幻聽。Anyway, it was still pretty amazing. 講番coffee,都係Salisbury 0個杯最好飲!


Priscilla - Qeen of the Desert

一套相對新的musical,故事講述澳洲三個男扮女的performer穿州過省的故事。 改編自1994年同名電影,當年有Hugo Weaving和Guy Pearce擔任主角,據說觀眾很受落,所以把故事搬上舞台。

當晚坐位不好,有三份一的舞台都被看不見,也有一些笑位搞不懂,但看三個男人極誇張的戲服扮女人載歌載舞真的是歡樂無窮。最初猶豫要不要花$20 pounds看Priscilla,我承認在V&A看過programme,發現演Adam/Felicia的Oliver Thornton之後興趣大增。

三位主角分別代表老中青。最大的Ralph/Bernadette十足十男扮女,因為他根本是變性人,最後遇上Bob,有情人終成眷屬;中生代的Tick/Mitzi有老婆仔女,一直對兒子隱瞞自己的職業,最後得兒子接納,大團圓結局;青白淨的Adam/Felicia是名符其實的bitch,最後上演one-man show,得償所願。


mercoledì 9 febbraio 2011

Master Prog open Day

Master Prog open Day

之前同Mandy係corridor check email, 即興決定幫手Open Day.
Anyway, 好正!d refreshment真係多到你0吾信,同埋係好味ga lor!!
第一次入lab。點解我地張枱勁少人問0野!得around 5個人,旁邊ge Msc Lang Sci, MRes Cog Sci都係一樣拍蚊。後來Nick join我地,據說係畀大S姐夾硬拉落黎。Anyway, 都幾好玩a!同埋大家又真係有heart去share 0係UCL讀ling ge experience.

martedì 8 febbraio 2011


Trafalgar Square.

新年慶祝活動,老外多過中國人。完全0吾明點解會有Peter Rabbit. 第一次現場睇燒炮仗。

又去Pub! Yay!


據聞Durian present一鑊泡。


Lunch. 0黎London 0甘耐第一次食Thai food!!!


sabato 5 febbraio 2011

Stonehenge & Salisbury

跟UCLU去Stonehenge & Salisbury. 只有50mins睇Stonehenge. 都未聽完audio guide介紹世界七大奇境之一就趕大家上車去Salisbury... ok失望lor...
Local介紹The New Inn. 好特別ge pub. Local beer 0吾係幾好飲,但個pie幾好食,間pub好特別。

行完cathedral又去tea. Cross Keys好正!Home made cake 同埋飲左0黎英國0甘耐最好飲ge coffee!!!

venerdì 4 febbraio 2011


Ad的Interface課。I asked him a q! But that was because I didn't understand sth. Not a sophisticated q at all...


Ad今天穿的綠色sweater好像一塊草皮...... Rising Star穿了Rah!兔仔的hoodie,真的和Ad很配! XD


竟然很少同學穿紅衣,很少人講恭喜發財,反而年三十大家不停講Happy New Year.

John的Phono課,yay! Shanti今天沒有來,所以back-up也是他上。
我終於問左keoi3問題laa3!I was so thrilled!
Keoi3話that's way outside what we're doing in class but if that's what you wanna do, I'd be happy to point you to the references. 我相信我無時間睇,但係prof offer到,無理由話0吾洗ga ma!同埋我堅係想揾keoi3做dissertation ge super wor!

Afternoon和Vincent去了Tower Bridge。來了四個月,還是第一趟到Tower bridge. 藍天很美。

去了Covent Garden tea. 很悠閒的。很喜歡嘆咖啡吃蛋糕。



第一年在外過新年,我們‘廣東話同學會’組織了MA Ling團年飯,最特別的是老外多過華人,他們也好像比我們更興奮。我們的同學真的很nice!可惜餐廳老闆不很nice.

martedì 1 febbraio 2011




There's always room for improvement. Classmates were so encouraging. They'd say 'well done', 'it was good', etc. They are always very nice. And Richard always say 'the standard is very high'. He says this so often that I'm not gonna take his comment seriously. XD

Sun night watched SAG awards until 3am... Anyway, Colin won!! And the cast for The King's Speech won the top prize - the outstanding cast award!