mercoledì 29 giugno 2011


Had a delicious and economical lunch with Elly and Mandy. Paella and apple cider. Perfect match.

Met up with my dear old friend Wing Hung, who's just completed a 3-month volunteering prog in a scout campsite in Swiss. Walked around for a bit and talked all the time without paying attention to the beautiful scenery along the south bank.

Went to Regents Park Open Air Theatre with Elly, Mandy and Yu-Hsuan. It started to rain the second I stepped outside Baker St station. Damn!
We went there and waited. The show started when the rain stopped, but it had to be cancelled when it started raining again. Now we're going on Fri night.

Damn! Roger Federer lost to Tsonga. Spent the afternoon watching the match. I have to say it wasn't surprising to see the Swiss maestro lose the match when he was 2 sets up. He was not in form after the 2nd set. =.=

I thought about going to Wimbledon today actually but decided I'd go to the semis and the final. From the start, I know my Wimbledon wouldn't be perfect because Kim Clijsters had pulled out of the tournament because of injuries. Now that Roger is out, I don't support anyone else. When I go this Sat, I'll just be there to soak in the atm.

Going there not supporting anyone is worse than seeing the player who you support lose.

sabato 25 giugno 2011


Met up with my former Turkish classmate Winnie tonight for an Indian dinner. Lovely.

Tried Monmouth Covent Garden. Um, the one in Borough Market is better lor...

Took a trip to Dress Circle as well. Lovely place.

I'm going to start a new blog documenting London coffee that I try until I return to HK. Stay tunes. It's my new project.

venerdì 24 giugno 2011

Not Confused


‎'You shouldn't say you're confused. Coz it's unresolved. No one has worked on that before. And it's left up to you to find out. Perhaps you may resolve the problem.'
mut1 MA dissert 都要0甘勁ga?個topic真係好難而且無mut1點學過......
不過又難得揾到個老細係真係e方面ge expert.

So, it's a gd thing.

lunedì 20 giugno 2011

West End Live (18-19/6)

期待已久的West End Live.

每年一度ge West End musicals live show.

1045到Trafalgar Sq. 好多人坐樓梯,mut ng係會畀企0係度d人遮0西0羊?
終於等到Rachel Tucker! 舊年唱Wizard and I,今年係Defying Gravity串Wizard and I. Damn! She's stunning in every possible way. 如果有Louise Dearman就好la!

緊接演出ge係Ramin Karimloo. 兩大favourite連續演出,can they have a better prog? 話說17/6當日爆出Love Never Dies將會0係27/8 close,但Ramin同其他cast member ge contract係到3/9,亦有好多人book 0左飛,甚至airticket 0黎睇last show。不過最神奇ge係cast member無收過通知LND會提早收檔,竟然係有fans 0係twitter問keoi3地發生0羊事keoi3地先知有件0甘ge事。可能因為0甘,當日Ramin表演,觀眾特別熱情。

同時間個天開始重複落雨,出太陽,落雨,出太陽...... 直到有一刻落雹!真正六月飛

Lend Me A Tenor ge表演令我想去睇個show,Betty Blue Eyes隻豬好真,We Will Rock You全場勁投入,勁high...... 睇完Chicago, Mamma Mia!就走。

第一次outdoor live show感覺好正!免費之餘有水準!可惜Wicked同Love Never Dies都淨係得Rachel同Ramin 0黎唱一首歌,實在太少。

只係想睇Wizard of Oz. 學Mandy講句‘好有誠意’,因為所有主角都有表演,可惜全劇演得最好ge Hannah Waddingham(Wicked Witch)無份。
順道睇左Lion King,真係對人扮動物無興趣。仲有Shrek,但係d演員out of costume真係好奇怪。


giovedì 16 giugno 2011




主要係去睇Rembrant同Vermeer ge畫(其實只得兩幅),去到發現原來Kenwood係estate,間屋都可以參觀。一路睇,一路lum住0係0個度ge生活會係點。


I had an, according to some, appalling haircut on the day I left London for Scandinavia. The funny thing is I don't find it as bad as it's generally regarded. I mean, yeah, it's pretty bad. Probably worse than my last and definitely not what I'd get back in HK. But I've had worse, in HK. And the point is, I'm never going to spend $35 pounds on one haircut ever. And if you can't get what you want anyway, why bother? I'd rather save that $ for watching musicals or even Wimbledon (If I decide to camp outside the stadium), things I can't get in HK (it doesn't include an 'appalling' haircut, though).

mercoledì 15 giugno 2011

Thank you Ada!!!


X-Men First Class
D橋好爛,同之後幾集0吾match,不過睇X-men都係睇Michael Fassbender!!! 真係好型!又有演技 XD. 好想睇keoi3演Jane Eyre裡面ge Mr. Rochester!
James McAvoy真係好好戲!!


終於返到ChanHo睇成績。望住分紙,第一個lum法係-你係咪調轉0左我phonetic&phon同Ad. Phon ge成績?

估都估0吾到Ad. Phon ge final grade竟然比proposal高0左10分。無錯,係10分。一直lum住死梗ge一科竟然出奇地好。小矮人原來係會派grade ge.

更加估0吾到本來幾有信心,亦應該考得最好ge Phonetics&Phonlogy...... 我只可以用仆直0黎形容個分。Section A&B真係有背就得,我好相信我一定背0吾0西,一定答0吾0西d point;Section C data analysis我一定0吾係arm 0西,但係我至少講得出係templatic phonology,有vowel reduction. 我0吾覺得自己phono好好,因為我識大把人勁過我,但係我0係自己班入面都未至於排0甘後0卦?我Section A&B未至於miss 0左0甘多point 0卦?

不過,至少0係E度求學不是求分數係真ge. 考得好又點?我E家都答0吾到你0羊係passive raising, RT點樣criticise Grice...... 或者0甘講,身邊有好多勁人。0係UCL讀書不停提醒自己 山外有山,人外有人。可能你係0係某一個範圍內做得好好,但係畀你厲害ge人有好多。有d同學真係令我佩服得五體投地。

其實phon考得0吾好本身0吾係大問題,因為我相信考試考ge 0吾只係knowledge,但係當你dissertation都係做0個個field,要面對你老細就係一個問題。
