sabato 30 aprile 2011

Bring Him Home

Wt's wrong with the staff at my hall? There was one who kept saying he wanted to take me out for dinner and today this guy ask for my email and said maybe we should talk on phone. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with this company?


To soothe my nerves, I need a little Bring Him Home from John Owen-Jones.
I have to say this, this is AMAZING!!! Not only because JOJ is THE Jean Valjean and he sang it in Welsh (He's Welsh btw), but also because he sang the song with such ease and emotion. Too bad I won't be able to see his Valjean on stage, but I'm quite determined to see him at least once as the Phantom before I leave London!
You can tell why he's legendary.

venerdì 29 aprile 2011

Royal Wedding湊熱鬧

11am返到Chandler House,不過Mandy+Qing都未到,所以唯有用有畫無聲ge desktop睇住先。到人齊0個時最重要0個幾part都完左lu。Anyway, 繼續睇直播。

睇完仲要去Green Park同Buckingham Palace湊熱鬧。其間見到Phillip Schofield(其實我0吾知keoi3係邊個),旁邊無論男女老幼都大叫'Phillip, give us a wave!' 後來發現keoi3 0係英國新聞界好有名。


giovedì 28 aprile 2011


Found my bowl in the rubbish bin last night, broken. I waited the whole night and no one came to me.

I don't mind it being broken. I just want the person who did it, accidentally I believe, to tell me about it, at least with a little note on the board.

Maybe it just slipped off the counter somehow by itself. But anyway I would've really appreciate it if the person who discovered my bowl's dead body had put a note on the board.


Here's the 2nd thing. I was on the super-crowed bus today when i went back to hall. I had to move it to let ppl get on. The door closed after everyone was on the bus. And then, this fat, middle-aged man kept saying 'excuse me'. I had no idea why he just wanted to move down to the rear of the bus. Maybe he wanted to get the seat, whatever. The point is, sir, the only way that you can move down is that I move down, which I didn't to. And, no offense, you have problem squeezing past the corridor let alone squeezing past me. If you could use a brain for one second and then you know that's a pretty hopeless business.

After this series of unfortunate event, I need a little music of the night to clam my nerves.
Seriously, would love to hear what ppl say about John Cudia's rendition. Anyone?

mercoledì 27 aprile 2011

Music of the Night

John Cudia - former Broadway and US National tour Phantom. This is not a stage version but, whatever, I love his rendition of 'Music of the Night'! And his 'to be' is WOW! Would love to see him live.

domenica 24 aprile 2011






sabato 23 aprile 2011


TIME 100 has come out and to see ppl I admire on the list is quite uplifting.

Arrrgh! I really can't do anything at hall! Damn! And all libraries are closed during Easter!! The essay and revision aren't going as well as I hope.

Still obsessed with the Phantom.

Let's hope the rain won't spoil the picnic tmr.

lunedì 18 aprile 2011


05年暑假自資$790去文化中心看The Phantom of the Opera world tour. 那時覺得POTO非常精彩,值回票價。有朋友說在London看過的POTO更精彩,更震撼,所以一直對West End的production抱非常高的期望。加上現在的Phantom是John Owen-Jones,在Youtube聽過他唱歌,一心想入場聽現場。

買了£50的票,坐stall。Her Majesty's Theatre 比文化中心還要小,所以坐O行也很近舞台。心想當年$790也只能坐balcony,現在£50便能買到stall的座位,十分划算。

旁邊坐了一對夫婦,全場咳嗽加談話,幸好Act2他們失蹤。Anyway,發現Phantom不是JOJ真的很失望。Scott Davies在Act 1好像還未入局,不過Act 2甚有驚喜,特別是Final Lair一幕他完全能夠表達到Phantom的內心掙扎和瘋狂的一面。雖然看不到JOJ有點失望,不過Scott的演出亦很出色。

入場看musical極度注重演員歌唱表現,Love Never Dies的劇本再差也令我看了三次全因演員出色。自問無資格評論演員歌唱技巧,只從喜歡與否的角度出發。我真的不喜歡Sofia Escobar (Christine)的聲線,太尖,連續聽兩小時有點辛苦。其實我覺得再給£20入場聽JOJ也划算,只是差不多每一幕也有Christine的戲份,而Phantom只有50mins......

想不到的是很多人看過West End POTO都很失望。在Youtube聽不同的Christine,真的很多我都不太喜歡,也明白為甚麼Andrew Lloyd Webber找Sierra Boggess演LND的Christine。反而眾多Phantom的水準很高,是因為casting的問題嗎?

venerdì 15 aprile 2011

Phantom of the Opera

Can't believe I'm actually disappointed at the Phantom of the Opera.

1. Not to take any credits off Scott Davies because he was pretty amazing as the Phantom and I love his interpretation of the role, but not seeing John Owen-Jones on stage is a sin!!

2. I hate to say this, but Sofia Escobar as Christine just didn't work for me.

I'll probably pay $25 quids to see the show again for JOJ.

mercoledì 13 aprile 2011

How Can You

How can you suddenly announce now the proposal counts and we have to write 4000 words instead of 3000, and give us only 18 days to finish everything with few constructive comments?


Happy pub night! ;)

martedì 12 aprile 2011


每天架著墨鏡坐草地picnic lunch的日子很愜意


曾幾何時我很不介意別人的眼光,後來變成我欺騙自己不介意別人的眼光。在倫敦坐草地很平常,但作為香港人,去坐草地,有時候會自己歧視自己。那種歧視是建立於甚麼?其實你跟那閒雜人等三0吾識七,他們最多在背後暗笑你奇怪,你又不用與他們交流,管他說甚麼?It's not their effing business anyway!


星期天約0左某人行Notting Hill的Portobello Market. Um, keoi3因為鬧鐘無響,出門口無戴鑰匙,0吾記得帶memory card ge關係,遲0左兩個鐘出現,結果我有免費午餐食。

真係畀我揾到The Travel Book Shop同埋藍色門屋,話saai3 Notting Hill都係我my fav movies之一。

行完market,去Hyde Park坐草地,再去Kensington High St行街,食晚飯,去St. James Park然後發現關門大吉。

在香港我們不會hang out,來到倫敦也不是常碰面,稱不上很熟念。也許人在異地,會特別珍惜‘同聲同氣’的人。就這麼一天,我對他的認識比過往三年都要深。

收回Andrew的comment. 'Can you collect data from native speakers?'

venerdì 8 aprile 2011




晚上和很久沒見面的Johnny吃飯,然後在River Thames附近閒逛,談學術,談香港,談生活。

等巴士等了二十分鐘,回到hall已是0010...... 有tube搭真係好好多。。。