venerdì 22 luglio 2011

Can't get more excited

睇左兩間都0吾係好arm,不過short let比較少選擇。



話說CE之後就想去Wimbledon,到今年0係London喇,但係又無去排通宵。鬼叫Kim Clijsters傷左退出比賽同Federer 0係QF出局0羊!唯有去tour補償一下。

去0西Centre Court, No.1 Court, Henman Hill/Murray Mount, etc... 有得入球場真係好正,但係最興奮係可以入press room扮球員影相!!!One of the most surreal experience ever!!! 可惜無相機,只可以用電話影。

雖然我鍾意睇hard court多過grass court,但係Wimbledon ge history係其餘三大滿貫都比0吾上ge。

我在想要不要和媽媽去。前年我0地話去威尼斯人睇Agassi vs Sampras去0吾成,今次有母親大人最愛的Mr. and Mrs. Agassi,仲正. 講真我睇完Agassi本自傳之後都好鍾意e兩個living legend. I mean, how could these two combined win 30 slams and at least 1 on each surface, 2 Olympic gold medals, get married and have 2 kids? 同埋Mr. and Mrs. ge 互動真係超有愛。仲記得09睇keoi3兩個同Kim Clijsters + Tim Henman打混雙,keoi3兩個完全旁若無人(然後star sports個女旁述就懶係興奮0甘)

0係Oxfarm用£4.99買左隻musical compilation。五隻碟,101首歌,Elaine Page都有份。第一首Phantom of the Opera,um,個singer 0吾係former Phantom,我以為係Raoul唱緊歌。算,都有d歌好聽,但係singers 0吾係好好。最頂0吾順ge係Music of the Night. 我真係未聽過一個更難聽ge professional版本。我都係去Youtube聽0下John Owen-Jones, John Cudia同Ramin Karimloo好過。

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