venerdì 29 luglio 2011

ChanHo Enforced Socialising - Bowling

Yesterday went bowling with classmates.

Nick (to Ella) : You told me 'Don't tell Vivien I hate ___.'
Hahaha! I thought of the 'gossip theory'.

I won the bowling game btw. 120 好耐都無過過100喇。




mercoledì 27 luglio 2011

Lend Me A Tenor

自從在West End Live看過Lend Me a Tenor的演出,看過不少theatre blog的推薦,一直都想看這套新musical。前天得知LMAT被腰斬,只演到6/8,趕緊去看一遍。



Lend Me A Tenor

故事不算扣人心,Act I節奏有點慢,但整體來說故事情節非常搞笑。特別是Act II,笑得我人仰馬翻。我說這是perfect cast,皆因演員個個能歌擅舞,comic timing拿捏準確。歌曲不算很特出,旋律未至於令人琅琅上口。BUT - 不得不提Damian Humbley和Michael Matus合唱的‘Be Myself’,比Ramin Karimloo的‘Til I Hear You Sing’ 和 Rachel Tucker的‘Defying Gravity’還-要-震-撼!

Michael的聲線響亮,很夠support,他差點可以唱爆了Gielgud Theatre. Damian,I have to make him my other favourite. 有如Ramin,Damian的歌聲是好聽得令人欲拒還迎。兩人的歌聲出奇的和,Be Myself絕對是全劇highlight. 單聽那首歌都值回票價。

(I swear that the live version is much better than this. But just to give you a taste of it.)


來倫敦看了13次musical,第一次stage-dooring,因為一直都覺得有點距離感會好一點,但這次LMAT慘被腰斬,覺得應該去show一點support. 很驚訝演員們竟然可以極速變身。沒等多久便看到他們陸續出來。

拿到了幾位主角的簽名,他們都說‘I saw you in the front row.’


意想不到的是Michael Matus說他小時候在香港長大,他父親在渣打工作。太神奇!

在stage door碰到了坐隔一個位的女生,她是台灣人,也是在倫敦讀書,也是一個人來看LMAT,也看了三次Love Never Dies (Original Cast),然後發現我們同樣有去看LND尾場。我說我想看Phantom新cast的Raoul,她說那個新Raoul是Les Mis上一任Enjolras. 情況有如當初剛進港大文學院,我說起Colin Firth,同學會提起BBC Pride and Prejudice. 然後我們談John Owen-Jones, Christines, Alfie Boe, Whats On Stage, Dress Circle...





1. 0吾可以即興睇musical。等到頸到長埋都0吾會等到tour.

2. 0吾會落Soho,皆因此Soho非彼Soho.

3. 0吾會一個人去餐廳食飯,費事被歧視。

lunedì 25 luglio 2011

The difference between men and women

Yeah! 買左王菀之紅館演唱會飛!!!!不枉我等到2am。

Last night本來係farewell Yu-Hsuan同Vincent,結果變左逼供大會。

南意大利菜!!!好咸ge pizza...... 不過其他野食都ok,可以再去。


最awkward ge係男同學主動邀請女同學join我地食飯,大家以為keoi3地要公開,但係keoi3地又無用任何言語同行為表明keoi3地係一齊。即係0甘講,請得黎ge就梗係要解釋吓啦,同埋大家係supposedly 0吾知點解0個位女同學會join我地。話說Vincent一早問左個女同學,但係E D野梗係要當面問0西兩個當事人gaak3。同埋0個位女同學話0西都係用0個位男同學ge女朋友身分出席,介紹吓都好應該。

當晚gossip完,第一個感覺係 - Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.

(話說當晚0個位女同學無意間入侵我ge personal space. Um, 我地好似0吾係好熟ga ja wor......)

sabato 23 luglio 2011




venerdì 22 luglio 2011

Can't get more excited

睇左兩間都0吾係好arm,不過short let比較少選擇。



話說CE之後就想去Wimbledon,到今年0係London喇,但係又無去排通宵。鬼叫Kim Clijsters傷左退出比賽同Federer 0係QF出局0羊!唯有去tour補償一下。

去0西Centre Court, No.1 Court, Henman Hill/Murray Mount, etc... 有得入球場真係好正,但係最興奮係可以入press room扮球員影相!!!One of the most surreal experience ever!!! 可惜無相機,只可以用電話影。

雖然我鍾意睇hard court多過grass court,但係Wimbledon ge history係其餘三大滿貫都比0吾上ge。

我在想要不要和媽媽去。前年我0地話去威尼斯人睇Agassi vs Sampras去0吾成,今次有母親大人最愛的Mr. and Mrs. Agassi,仲正. 講真我睇完Agassi本自傳之後都好鍾意e兩個living legend. I mean, how could these two combined win 30 slams and at least 1 on each surface, 2 Olympic gold medals, get married and have 2 kids? 同埋Mr. and Mrs. ge 互動真係超有愛。仲記得09睇keoi3兩個同Kim Clijsters + Tim Henman打混雙,keoi3兩個完全旁若無人(然後star sports個女旁述就懶係興奮0甘)

0係Oxfarm用£4.99買左隻musical compilation。五隻碟,101首歌,Elaine Page都有份。第一首Phantom of the Opera,um,個singer 0吾係former Phantom,我以為係Raoul唱緊歌。算,都有d歌好聽,但係singers 0吾係好好。最頂0吾順ge係Music of the Night. 我真係未聽過一個更難聽ge professional版本。我都係去Youtube聽0下John Owen-Jones, John Cudia同Ramin Karimloo好過。

giovedì 21 luglio 2011


I found it hard to like or try to get to know someone when I've lost respect for s/he, or when s/he did sth I don't like.

I've realised long before that I always dwell on how incompatible me and sby are rather than how compatible we are.

And that's actually quite disturbing. I mean, I can't go on disliking a lot of ppl.

mercoledì 20 luglio 2011


Finally managed to meet with John H today.

'I love the picture that you sent me. Where did you draw that?'
Ah! The picture of the syllable structures that I drew.
'At home.'
'You have a white board at home?'
'No. It was a piece of paper.'

Then, he taught me how to draw them directly using courier fonts. He even showed me the formatting codes. I really appreciate that he paid attention to such minute details.

mercoledì 6 luglio 2011


Got Andre Agassi's autobiography today. Couldn't put it down once I started reading and I ended up not doing my dissertation. I could see this coming.

I've read only 1/3 of it but i think anyone who love tennis, or simply sports, should read this. Very engaging .

Off to Lake District this morning at 0539.

martedì 5 luglio 2011


Mandy pre生日飯+farewell.


Palm Court勁抵食,有半價。



老細0吾覆我email 0吾緊要,最緊要0吾好聽朝問我得0吾得閒afternoon 0黎。

venerdì 1 luglio 2011

The Beggars' Opera

Just back from watching The Beggar's Opera at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre.

The play was written in the 18th century. It's about a lothario. The ending was rather baffling. I found my mind wandering during the play.