主要係去睇Rembrant同Vermeer ge畫(其實只得兩幅),去到發現原來Kenwood係estate,間屋都可以參觀。一路睇,一路lum住0係0個度ge生活會係點。
I had an, according to some, appalling haircut on the day I left London for Scandinavia. The funny thing is I don't find it as bad as it's generally regarded. I mean, yeah, it's pretty bad. Probably worse than my last and definitely not what I'd get back in HK. But I've had worse, in HK. And the point is, I'm never going to spend $35 pounds on one haircut ever. And if you can't get what you want anyway, why bother? I'd rather save that $ for watching musicals or even Wimbledon (If I decide to camp outside the stadium), things I can't get in HK (it doesn't include an 'appalling' haircut, though).
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