venerdì 4 febbraio 2011


竟然很少同學穿紅衣,很少人講恭喜發財,反而年三十大家不停講Happy New Year.

John的Phono課,yay! Shanti今天沒有來,所以back-up也是他上。
我終於問左keoi3問題laa3!I was so thrilled!
Keoi3話that's way outside what we're doing in class but if that's what you wanna do, I'd be happy to point you to the references. 我相信我無時間睇,但係prof offer到,無理由話0吾洗ga ma!同埋我堅係想揾keoi3做dissertation ge super wor!

Afternoon和Vincent去了Tower Bridge。來了四個月,還是第一趟到Tower bridge. 藍天很美。

去了Covent Garden tea. 很悠閒的。很喜歡嘆咖啡吃蛋糕。

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