sabato 29 gennaio 2011



Lunch with classmates at China Town. This time we had Kristine and Bianca with us. Surprised to hear that our Taiwan classmate Nora has never tried some of the dim sum.
referring to 牛百葉 - It's vegetable!

China Town d粉紫色燈籠真係好姣!


Went to V&A and spent more than 5 hrs there!!! Love the museum!
Paid 3 pounds to see the imperial robes they borrowed from the Forbidden City. Being Chinese and having been there, it felt so weird. Why am I looking at artifacts of my own country in another part of the world and I have to pay for it?

martedì 25 gennaio 2011


Prof. Ad Neleeman都幾好a!!!!!

話說rising star贏左個competition,Ad話送pastry, 原來pastry ge定義係一大個蛋糕!!
又係0係Waitrose買! XD

domenica 23 gennaio 2011

Long time no write


Ad Phon. Andrew哥ge堂係幾好,但係......
China Town 飲茶。
其實我不很喜歡去China Town. 某程度上來英國就是要感受一下外國的文化氣色,到China Town就好像跑回香港一樣。既然選擇離開,為何再投懷送抱?當然我不否認我偶爾也很想吃點心。Haha,其實有d外國同學仔仲想食過我!

John Harris ge Phonology!
雖然同Mandy調左tutor之後John H 0吾係我tutor,但係Shanti都好好,同埋當係幫fd啦!不過我要befriend John H先得,否則dissert有難。我真係0吾想跟Andrew...

Afternoon等埋Vincent, Elly, Albert放學去睇The King's Speech + hotpot. 結果去China Town買餸食飯之後返Mandy hall睇‘志明與春嬌’。

屈0係hall。咪又係Youtube facebook! Sigh! 出去又覺得自己掛住玩0吾讀書,但係0係hall又0吾productive. 真係好憎返5個half-day!!!!!

lunedì 17 gennaio 2011

Pub Night

Pub night with classmates tonight to celebrate the end of Syntax Exam. Hilarious night!

我真係鍾意左飲啤酒...... 0係香港0吾鍾意飲,到0係倫敦0吾介意飲,到去完德國返0黎真係鍾意飲,證明啤酒飲飲下慣左隻味就會越飲越鍾意。

giovedì 13 gennaio 2011

I can never work at night. Shooooooot!

Syntax take-home exam tmr...
Now feeling so tired. I should probably go to bed and today haven't done anything related to Syntax exam. Sigh...

martedì 11 gennaio 2011

Today's awful. Even seeing Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth in Evening Standard can't lift my spirit up. Shit!

Tmr's Andrew's class. Just read the course outline. Frankly, I'm not very interested child acquisition on phonology. It's at least Phonology though. But I'd rather took John's course if the workload in the first term was not so heavy. But now this course requires us to write a critical review of the readings every week. Every week for *bleep* sake...

domenica 9 gennaio 2011

Ready to Embark... ?

Term 2 starts tmr. I spent most of my term break in Germany and did so little revision for Syntax exam this weekend and still haven't really finished an essay which is due tmr and this sucks but I just wanna play and have fun because it's more important to experience life here in such a vibrant city and all over Europe.

Time flies. School ends soon. The feeling sucks!

Pinker's talk tmr. Looking forward to it.